About Us

Advocacy, capacity-building & strategic interventions for human rights & democracy

ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) was formed in October 1996 by a diverse network of organizations and individuals at the Alternative ASEAN Meeting on Burma, held in Bangkok.

Our mission is to develop and strengthen strategic relationships among key networks and organizations from Burma, Southeast Asia, and the international community; support cooperation and partnership among activists, particularly women, youth, ethnic groups, LGBTQ+, displaced people, migrants, and other marginalized communities; implement innovative strategies that are responsive to emerging needs and urgent developments; and produce practical resources for these purposes.

ALTSEAN has pursued its mission through advocacy, training and collaboration, focusing on women’s participation and leadership, business and human rights, atrocity prevention, and broader human rights and democracy issues. ALTSEAN supports grassroots activists by ensuring local voices are heard at international strategy forums, including their robust analysis and policy recommendations.

Our Thematic Priorities

Atrocity Prevention

Serious gaps in the rule of law that perpetuate impunity, including state-sanctioned atrocity crimes, continues to threaten people in Burma/Myanmar.

We work with global movements to advocate for measures that will halt crimes, bring justice to affected communities, and prevent recurrence.

We produce resources and deliver capacity-building workshops to enable activists to work for atrocity prevention at local and international levels.

Business & Human Rights

Without adequate safeguards and regulation, the unbridled growth of the Burmese economy continues to affect the livelihoods of millions of people already impacted by decades of military rule.

Our research, advocacy, capacity‐building, and strategic initiatives on Business and Human Rights (BHR), as well as Macro‐ Economic Policy, are aimed at helping communities defend their rights, seek remedy, and advocate for sustainable solutions.

Democracy & Human Rights

ALTSEAN is actively involved in supporting human rights defenders and advocating for human rights, democratic reforms, and durable peace in Burma/Myanmar.

We enhance the capacity of our wide partner network of local civil society organizations through human rights and advocacy trainings, strategic interventions, and active participation in the democracy and human rights movements in ASEAN and beyond.

Women's Empowerment

The promotion of women’s rights, enhancing their capacity to take on leadership roles in civil society and political organizations, is a core goal of ALTSEAN.

Since 1997, our flagship training program, the Women of Burma Internship, has nurtured and grown young women of Burma, providing them with the skills and knowledge to be leading rights activists and leaders in their communities and the broader movement.

ALTSEAN-Burma is committed to the protection of children.

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