Women’s Voices of Burma

Women’s Voices is a series of compilation books. Each book is written by a group of women from many different minority communities. Some writers are experienced politicians and activists – some are first time writer “ordinary women” who have been doctors, fighters, displaced people, migrant workers, or housewives. All show great courage and strength in sharing their stories about what it means to be a woman and share a perspective that is rarely shared.

For Women’s Voices: Breaking Boundaries (2020) women from Burma and Thailand contributed to the book that highlights common struggles faced by women in both countries.

Women’s Voices books are available in English and Burmese. Women’s Voices Across Boundaries is available in English, Burmese and Thai.

March 2020

Women's Voices Across Boundaries

May 2010

Burma - Women's Voices for Peace

May 2007

Burma - Women's Voices for Hope

May 2005

Burma - Women's Voices for Freedom

June 2003

Burma - Women's Voices Together

June 2002

Burma - Women's Voices for Change

June 2000

Burma - More Women's Voices

June 1998

Burma: Voices of Women in the Struggle

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